Tips For Picking Out Your Legal Case File Jackets
If you have just started working as an attorney and want to be as organized as possible, then you surely need to purchase the best office supplies; this means choosing your options wisely and looking at the different features that are available to you. This is especially true when it comes to your case file jackets. Keep reading to learn about a few things that can keep your organized.
Large Expansions
File jackets are meant to sit over the top of a file, and sometimes a single jacket will hold multiple files, especially when it comes to your more complicated and lengthy cases. Many lawyers will choose to use the standard pressboard classification folders with one or several fasteners included. These fasteners, along with the help of dividers and adjustable expansions can hold one inch of paper or more.
So, you will need a file jacket that is able to hold one to two-inch files. Consider your needs and cases and opt for either a one or two-inch expansion jacket. The vast majority of these products will have accordion style folds on the side to accommodate different sizes of folders. However, if you do not like the folds, then you can opt for flat folders with simple, but wide, edges.
You also want to consider the folder material if large jackets are needed. Consider pressboard varieties instead of plain manilla cardboard ones. Polyurethane and plastic jackets are available too. However, make sure that you are buying the opaque ones since some options are translucent and unable to keep information completely private.
Pre-Printed Jackets
If you quickly grow your client base, then it can be hard to keep track of all of the important information you have acquired for each case. Unfortunately, every case jacket will look the same after awhile. While a simple tab can help you, it may be a better option to choose pre-printed jackets with spaces for the details of each client and case.
Look for jackets that have labeled spaces for the name of the client and their address. Contact information, dates of meetings, and court dates are other things you may want to put on the jacket. Also, spaces for miscellaneous notes and the documents included in the folder are good options.
If you are uncomfortable with placing all the information on jackets or if you typically keep files on your desk, then look for jackets that come with inserts where the information can be included instead.
If you are having trouble picking out your jacket folders and other legal supplies, then speak with a business retailer like American Legal Forms who specializes in these items.